Recycled Wood Table

A table is undoubtedly one of the indispensable pieces of furniture in a home. But that’s not all: a table also serves in offices, in various premises, in facilities open to the public.

Being a piece of furniture with a thousand functions, first and foremost, that of displaying materials and allowing a group of people to gather and discuss, it is important to choose it carefully according to the type, material, design element and purpose for which it is needed.

Recycled Wood Table: what it means and what are the advantages

Il Pannello Ecologico® di Saviola, Made e Designed in Italy, consente ad esempio di salvare ogni giorno 10.000 alberi dall’abbattimento e recuperare tonnellate di legno altrimenti destinato ad essere disperso.

It is a piece of furniture made of recycled wood, i.e. obtained from post-consumer wood, without any trees being cut down, from a circular economy process.

The advantages of the recycled wood table include:

1|Environmental Sustainability

Using recovered wood means reducing the demand for new wood, contributing to forest conservation and reducing deforestation. In addition, recycling wood decreases the amount of waste going to landfill, promoting a virtuous cycle of material reuse.

The Ecological Panel® by Saviola, Made and Designed in Italy, makes it possible, for example, to save 10,000 trees from being cut down every day and to recover tonnes of wood that would otherwise be lost.


Recycled wood carries a story. Every piece of wood has lived a previous life, whether it be old beams from a house, industrial pallets or planks from a ship. This history gives the table a unique character, with grains, knots and imperfections that tell stories of times gone by, adding a touch of authenticity and originality that new wood cannot offer.

3|Duration and Robustness

Contrary to what one might think, recycled wood is often stronger than new wood. Old wood has had years, if not decades, to stabilise, making it less susceptible to warping and splitting. This means that a table made of recycled wood not only looks good, but is also a durable and resistant choice.

Recycled Wood Furniture and (traditional) Wood Furniture

Choosing recycled wood furniture, such as a table, makes a difference in many respects because recycled wood is different from traditional wood:

  • While the recycled one is a contribution to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of environmental impact, the normal one involves the felling of trees, which can contribute to deforestation and the loss of habitat for many species. Even if sustainable forestry practices exist, the demand for new wood can still have a significant impact on the environment.
  • While recycled wood has its own uniqueness, with grains, knots and imperfections that make it distinctive, new wood tends to have a more uniform and predictable appearance.
  • While recycled wood is stronger and more stable than new wood because it has already undergone the drying and stabilisation process, new wood may require a period of seasoning to stabilise and may be more prone to warping and splitting, especially if not treated properly.


How to choose a Recycled Wood Table: 4 factors to consider

There are at least 4 elements that you must evaluate when choosing a recycled wood table:


Before choosing a recycled wood table, it is important to consider the space available. Measuring the room accurately and thinking about how the table will fit in with the other furniture is essential to avoid buying a piece that is too big or too small.

2|The Style/Design

The table must reflect one’s personal taste and blend harmoniously with the style of the house. If you prefer an industrial look, you can opt for a table with a metal frame and recovered wood top. For a more traditional style, an all-wood table with a natural finish may be the right choice.

3|The origin

When buying a recycled wood table, it is important to inquire about the origin of the wood. Wood from sustainable and certified sources ensures that the purchase actually contributes to environmental protection.

4|The quality of workmanship

Lastly, the quality of the workmanship is crucial. Ensuring that the table is well built, with solid joints and a proper finish, will ensure that the investment will last. Do not hesitate to ask for details about the construction and materials used to ensure you make an informed choice.

In conclusion, choosing a table made of recycled wood means embracing a more sustainable philosophy of life, without sacrificing aesthetics and functionality. This type of furniture not only helps reduce the environmental impact, but also enriches the home environment with unique pieces full of character.